In this, I'll highlight the things the company or client you are working for is expecting from a writer;

By the way, I first worked for writemyessayshere.com (ain't sure it still exists). I delivered hundreds of essays and research papers. Currently, I use writersarc.org, and writershub.org

1. Meet the deadline.

If the paper is 6 hrs, it should be submitted within that time, beyond that starts attracting penalties and tension from the client. If fortunately or unfortunately one cannot meet the deadline, request for extension (though usually short) rather than keep quiet.

2. Delivering the paper.

At times we pick up papers but have no clue of how to do it. In case you find it very technical to be done, you can drop it, but it attracts penalties.


The assumption is that one should be online - I advice you set or allow email notifications. Once you apply for an order, you are supposed to confirm receipt almost immediately.

If they send you a mail, the reply should happen almost pap.

If the paper is returned for revision, they expect confirmation and adherence to the requests made.

If they call, they should reach you out regardless of time.


All work should be original/paraphrased and not a copy-paste.

It should be run through a plagiarism and grammar checkers. eg grammarly.com

It should have zero plagiarism and at least 90% grammatically correct. (use turnitin.com)

NB; This is a significant reason for account closure - Not checking grammar and plagiarism. 

5.Following Instructions.

Always give what the clients need and even surpass their expectations.

Use the format needed, the number of required pages, the referencing and any other extra instructions by the client. Keep the promise as you are doubly accountable for what you deliver. 

NB; Continuous failure to follow instructions will lead to account closure

(These are the terms of engagement.)

NB: The above tips best apply and fit account owners. (An account reflects a platform where clients place orders. In turn, writers do the bidding.) For a writer who does not own an account, you just need to know someone who owns an account and he or she will be awarding you tasks. Quality is key.

In this venture, exporting written content, there is one basic truth: Writing is not for everyone!

If you missed the first episode, check here
