At The End Of The Day...

We build things and make things happen on our own terms: We are architects of our destiny(s).

However, over the years, I put pieces of myself in every story and my perspective has shifted. Reflect about this;
*The young man who had his life turned upside down by cancer.
*The young woman, and mother of two, who lost her husband to death at 27.
*The hard-working employee who lost her job when her employer of 25 years filed for bankruptcy.

Life will take things from you, gradually & continuously. It's funny how we outgrow what we once thought we couldn't live without and then we fall in love with what we didn't even know we wanted. It's until later that you will realize and feel fully comfortable with some of the best chapters of your life. As they arise, do your best to embrace life's uncertainties.

Inner strength & courage don't always ring out loud. Sometimes these qualities are merely embodied by a deep breath & a soft whisper at the end of the day that says;

 "I'll try my best again tomorrow".
