Entrepreneurship Touch Down

Not only do entrepreneurs think differently, but also they act differently.

Entrepreneurship isn't a destination. It's a journey. On this journey, successful entrepreneurs don't have an exception of arriving to some finish line.

In any journey, you have times of joy and more than a few setbacks. Challenges along the way can either lead you to profit & growth, or losses & collapse.

"My biggest hurdle was defeating the existing competition. Many of the colleges that offered diploma courses had been in existence for over 10 years, but I stuck to my guns."
Lizzie Wanyoike, Founder & CEO NIBS

"Gaining traction takes time, and for me , it took three years before I broke even. I did not make money in the first year. Always be patience and eventually, the money will come."
Alison, CEO of AI Is On Production LTD.

Many entrepreneurs celebrate the big wins, but what about the small wins?
Just before the touch down - in your short term, identify small wins to celebrate. Avoid the notion that you have to land some fantastic, outstanding client or reach thousands of customers before celebrating.

Remember - recognizing small victories can boost your morale & provide a surge of energy. They promote you with the motivation to keep going.

Hey Entrepreneur! You are approaching the touch down.


  1. Amazing Insight...Many see the big wins but the hurdles are not looked into..

  2. Yeah, the time to re-adjust our entrepreneurial approach


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