I am in a boat bike, 1630hrs:

Moderately, Its_My_Time goes first in the playlist. Wonderful_wonder by Nathaniel reignites my love for Gods nature as it plays next. Some kilometres away — is a dream of paradise; an escape from the rat race, a perfect patch of sand where you can gaze at a calm blue sea while relaxing under the rustling palms. Well, not all islands are created the same. This is my new home. Here, I hide out in a luxurious over-the-water bungalow and bask in my good fortune as well as fall asleep to the gentle slosh of the sea.

It’s fun. As I cycle back to the island, Roger Whittaker’ A Little Goodbye sinks deep and moves me to tears…(chorus).

A little good-bye
A little I'll do what I must do
A little good-bye
A little I'll do what I must do

The sundowns.

Every new day offers a unique mechanism — a new change. A Laptop, internet access, food & power is good enough to sort me for survival on the island. However, this calls for adaptability and consistently reminding oneself that the stories we tell ourselves change EVERYTHING we see. Once in a while, we enter an experience with a story about how life is, that tends to be what we experience, even when there's plenty of evidence to the contrary.  Thus, whenever you feel tension and drama building up inside you, do your best to consciously detach yourself from the story you’re telling yourself for a few moments.  A quick reality check doesn’t hurt — step forward into reality. Hello, adopt a whole new game plan! Look at things in bite-sized simplicity.

Hanging in the middle of the island like a billboard — is my favourite bible verse “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing” It reminds me of how unexpectedly God answers. He might not give everything we want, but he still gives us enough. God is enough.
In such a fast-changing world, as we demonstrate adaptability and embrace technology revolution, we must embrace God!

…in a minute or four my mind got occupied by these thoughts. I slow down the treadmill and walk out of the gym.
